Tapas 24
Public relations and Press. First concept bar for traditional tapas [...]
Public relations and Press. First concept bar for traditional tapas [...]
Head of Public Relations for Barcelona City Hall and other [...]
Idea, Creation, Direction and execution of social event. Activities, acts, [...]
Public relations, press, localisation, hiring, logistics. European Campaign. International Mini [...]
Public Relations and Press. Event and banquet. Sustainability Awards. http://www.enginyersbcn.cat/ [...]
Public Relations, Management of invitations. Barcelona Theatre Festival Opening ceremonies [...]
PR Tapas and Rhumbas. Congress closing ceremony. SJ Berwin & [...]
Concept, production, Public Relations and design of anniversary party of [...]
Event concept, production, Public Relations, Press. Opening of the first [...]
Concept and management of event. Convention to present new product. [...]